Making metal beads : techniques, projects, inspiration / Pauline Warg


التفاصيل :

رقم التسجيلة 3137
نوع المادة book
ردمك 9781579907129
رقم الطلب TT860.W33
المؤلف Warg, Pauline

العنوان Making metal beads : techniques, projects, inspiration / Pauline Warg
بيان الطبعة 1st ed
بيانات النشر New York: Lark Books, 2006.
الوصف المادي 160 p : 27 cm ; col. ill
ملاحظات Includes bibliographical references and index
المحتويات / النص Introduction The Basics Sawing Filing Sanding Drilling Piercing Forming Soldering Finishing Stringing Transforming Commercial Beads Stamping & Chasing Round Beads Dimpling & Cutting Beads Reticulating Beads Soldering Wires to Beads Soldering Balls to Beads Soldering Sheet Metal Designs to Beads Making Cold-Connected Beads The Riveted Double-Dome Bead The Notched Interlock Bead The Notched Center Connector Bead The Woven Bead Making Beads from Tubing The Basic Tube Bead Embellishing Tube Beads with Cold Techniques Embellishing Tube Beads with Jump Rings The Wire-Wrapped Tube Bead The Reshaped Tube Bead Making Soldered Double-Dome Beads The Double-Dome Bead with Centered Holes The Double-Dome Bead with Holes through the Rim Embellishing Double-Dome Beads Making Fused Beads The Round or Saucer-Shaped Fused Bead The Tubular Fused Bead Making Beads with the Hydraulic Press The Matrix Die-Formed Bead The Pressed Tube Bead Making More Metal Beads The Square Bead The Crescent Roll Beads The Eight-Dome Bead The Gallery Templates & Charts Contributing Artists Index About the Author Acknowledgments Notes on Supplies
المستخلص With this comprehensive skill-building guide at hand, jewelers of all levels can craft 30 stunning one-of-a-kind beads in shimmering silver, copper, brass, and other metals. An introduction to metalworking provides the basics, followed by creative design ideas and techniques specific to metal beadwork. Transform commercial beads using simple stamping, chasing, and dimpling. Use cold connections to produce riveted and woven beads from sheet and wire. Roll a simple Crescent Roll Bead, and create variations in the form by using patterned, textured, or hammered sheet metal. Crafters will build a repertoire of skills as they progress, and learn numerous ways to embellish the bead’s surface and add decorative elements. An extensive gallery of handmade beads provides a wealth of inspiration.A Selection of the Crafters Choice Book Club.
المواضيع Silverwork
Beadwork - Catalogs

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الباركود رمز الوحدة النسخة نوع النسخة
0000031370001 TT860.W33
1 عادي

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