An Introduction To The Old Testament : Sacred Texts And Imperial Contexts Of The Hebrew Bible


التفاصيل :

رقم التسجيلة 5449
نوع المادة book
ردمك 9781405184670
رقم الطلب BS1130.C37
المؤلف Carr, David M

العنوان An Introduction To The Old Testament : Sacred Texts And Imperial Contexts Of The Hebrew Bible
بيانات النشر Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Publication, 2010.
الوصف المادي 276 P
المحتويات / النص List of Boxes ix Preface xii Acknowledgments xiv List of Abbreviations xvi Overview of the Historical Period xvii Timeline xviii Prologue: Orientation to Multiple Bibles and Multiple Translations 1 1 Studying the Bible in Its Ancient Context(s) 15 2 The Emergence of Ancient Israel and Its First Oral Traditions 33 3 The Emergence of the Monarchy and Royal and Zion Texts 53 4 Echoes of Past Empires in Biblical Wisdom, Love Poetry, Law, and Narrative 71 5 Narrative and Prophecy amidst the Rise and Fall of the Northern Kingdom 91 6 Micah, Isaiah, and the Southern Prophetic Encounter with Assyria 115 7 Torah and History in the Wake of the Assyrian Empire 131 8 Prophecy in the Transition from Assyrian to Babylonian Domination 153 9 Laments, History, and Prophecies after the Destruction of Jerusalem 165 10 The Pentateuch and the Exile 187 11 The Torah, the Psalms, and the Persian-Sponsored Rebuilding of Judah 207 12 Other Texts Formed in the Crucible of Post-Exilic Rebuilding 229 13 Hellenistic Empires and the Formation of the Hebrew Bible 245 Glossary 264 Index 273
المواضيع Bible. Old Testament - History
Bible. Old Testament - History of contemporary events
Bible. Old Testament - Introductions

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