The Many Faces Of Herod The Great


التفاصيل :

رقم التسجيلة 6566
نوع المادة book
ردمك 9780802866059
رقم الطلب DS122.3.M37
المؤلف Marshakm Adam Kolman

العنوان The Many Faces Of Herod The Great
بيانات النشر Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co, 2015.
الوصف المادي 400 P
المحتويات / النص Section I:Cultural and intellectual milieu. 1- Rome and its client kings 2- Hellenistic monarchy in the Graeco-Roman world 3- Judaean history from the Maccabees to Herod Section II:From Hasmonean to Antonian 4- Herod's rise to power (47-42 BCE) 5- Herod and Antony (42-30 BCE) 6- Herod the new Hasmonean SectionIII: Client king in an Augustan world. 7- Herod the Augustan client king 8- Bringing Judaea into the Roman sphere : Herod and Romanization 9- Herod the Hellenistic king in an Augustan world 10- Herod, Melekh HaYehudim 11- Herod and the temple Conclusion : the political self-presentation of Herod the great.
المستخلص Presents a new lens for understanding the powerful, notorious King Herod, ruler of ancient Judaea An old, bloodthirsty tyrant hears from a group of Magi about the birth of the Messiah, king of the Jews. He vengefully sends his soldiers to Bethlehem with orders to kill all of the baby boys in the town in order to preserve his own throne. For most of the Western world, this is Herod the Great — an icon of cruelty and evil, the epitome of a tyrant. Adam Kolman Marshak portrays Herod the Great quite differently, however, carefully drawing on historical, archaeological, and literary sources. Marshak shows how Herod successfully ruled over his turbulent kingdom by skillfully interacting with his various audiences — Roman, Hellenistic, and Judaean — in myriad ways. Herod was indeed a master in political self-presentation. Marshak's fascinating account chronicles how Herod moved from the bankrupt usurper he was at the beginning of his reign to a wealthy and powerful king who founded a dynasty and brought ancient Judaea to its greatest prominence and prosperity
الأسماء المرتبطة Collins, John J

النسخ :

الباركود رمز الوحدة النسخة نوع النسخة
0000065660001 DS122.3.M37
1 عادي

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