Women artists in history : from antiquity to the 20th century : from antiquity to the 20th century / Wendy Slatkin


التفاصيل :

رقم التسجيلة 6680
نوع المادة book
ردمك 0139618309
رقم الطلب N43.S57
المؤلف Slatkin, Wendy

العنوان Women artists in history : from antiquity to the 20th century : from antiquity to the 20th century / Wendy Slatkin
بيان الطبعة 2nd ed
بيانات النشر Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice Hall, 1990.
الوصف المادي xv, 240 p ; ill
ملاحظات Includes bibliographical references (p. 222-234)
المحتويات / النص From prehistory to the Middle Ages Prehistory The ancient Near East Egypt Crete Greece Rome The Medieval world Europe: 1450-1800 Italy: 1450-1600 Europe: 1600-1700 Europe: 1700-1800 The nineteenth century France: 1800-1870 The United States: 1830-1900 Victorian England: 1850-1890 The late 19th century: Europe and the United States: 1870-1900 The twentieth century The early twentieth century: 1900-1920 Europe and the United States: 1920-1945 The Post-World War II era: 1945-1970 Contemporary art: 1970-present Global issue for women artists: past, present, and future.
المستخلص the careers and accomplishments of women creators in Western Civilization are described in an accessible and informative manner in the 2nd WOMEN ARTISTS IN HISTORY: FROM ANTIQUITY TO THE 20TH CENTURY. Over 60 artists, mostly painters and sculptors, are featured in this book. Selections were based on each woman's unique and important contributions to the history of art. Each artist measures up to the same rigorous standards applied to male artists in other survey texts. To understand and appreciate the achievements of these outstanding women, this volume takes a thorough look at the cultural environment in which they lived and worked, as well as the social, economic, and demographic factors that influenced their art. This important text restores the works of women creators to their proper position in the history of art.
المواضيع Women artists - Biography - History and criticism

النسخ :

الباركود رمز الوحدة النسخة نوع النسخة
0000066800001 N43.S57
1 عادي

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