Nadia Myre Encounters


التفاصيل :

رقم التسجيلة 6861
نوع المادة book
ردمك 9782923243047
رقم الطلب N6496.3.S36
المؤلف Myre, Nadia

العنوان Nadia Myre Encounters
بيانات النشر Ottawa: Carleton University Art Gallery, 2011.
الوصف المادي 93 P
المحتويات / النص - les choses varaies de nadia myre
المستخلص Nadia Myre is a multidisciplinary artist whose work explores themes of language, culture and memory and who sources the culture of her Algonquin ancestors as a way of confronting contemporary realities. In concert with this investigation is a keen interest in creating works which expand over time and foster participatory involvement. Myre attracted international attention when, in 2000-2002, she beaded over all 56 pages of the annotated Indian Act of Canada with the help of over 200 participants. In 2005, she launched The Scar Project, an ongoing open lab where viewers participate by sewing their scars - real or symbolic - onto stretched canvases and writing their scar stories on paper. This monograph provides a first comprehensive look at the Montreal-based artist's remarkable career.

النسخ :

الباركود رمز الوحدة النسخة نوع النسخة
0000068610001 N6496.3.S36
1 عادي

المرفقات :

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