The screenwriter's bible : a complete guide to writing, formatting, and selling your script / David Trottier


التفاصيل :

رقم التسجيلة 9439
نوع المادة book
ردمك 9781935247210
رقم الطلب PN 1996 .T76
المؤلف Trottier, David

العنوان The screenwriter's bible : a complete guide to writing, formatting, and selling your script / David Trottier
بيان الطبعة Ed. 7
بيانات النشر Los Angeles: Silman - James Press, 2019.
الوصف المادي 462 P
المحتويات / النص Book I - How to Write a Screenplay, A Primer
How stories work -- Situation, conflict, and resolution -- The flow of the story -- The low down on high concept -- Story layering, plot, and genre -- Ten keys to creating captivating characters -- Dialogue, subtext, and exposition -- How to make a scene -- Suspense and comedy - Television

Book II - 7 Steps to a Stunning Script, A Workbook
Step 1, Summon your Muse -- Step 2, Dream up your movie idea -- Step 3, Develop your core story -- Step 4, Create your movie people -- Step 5, Step out your story -- Step 6, Write your first draft -- Step 7, Make the necessary revisions -- The Character/Action Grid

Book III - Correct Format for Screenplays & TV Scripts, A Style Guide
How to use this guide and its unique cross-referencing tools -- Sample scenes -- The cover, title page, first page, and last page -- Headings (slug lines) -- Description -- Dialogue -- How to format TV scripts -- Glossary -- Complete formatting index

Book IV - Writing Your Breakthrough Spec Script, A Script Consultant's View
The spec script, your key to breaking in -- Exercises in revising scenes -- The first ten pages (a sample plus an analysis)

"The Screenwriter's Bible's is one of the most popular, authoritative, and useful books on screenwriting. A standard by which other screenwriting books are measured, it has sold over 350,000 copies in its twenty-five-year life. Always up-to-date and reliable, it contains everything that both the budding and working screenwriter need under one cover-five books in one! A Screenwriting Primer-that provides a concise course in screenwriting basics; A Screenwriting Workbook-that walks you through the complete writing process, from nascent ideas through final revisions; A Formatting Guide-that thoroughly covers today's correct formats for screenplays and TV scripts; A Screenwriting Workbook-that walks the reader through the process of writing a screenplay; A Sales and Marketing Guide-that presents proven strategies to help you create a laser-sharp marketing plan. Among this book's wealth of practical information are sample query letters, useful worksheets and checklists, hundreds of examples, sample scenes, and straightforward explanations of screenwriting fundamentals. The seventh edition is chock-full of new examples, the latest practices, and new material on non-traditional screenplay outlets"
المواضيع Motion picture authorship
Television authorship

النسخ :

الباركود رمز الوحدة النسخة نوع النسخة
0000094390001 PN 1996 .T76
1 عادي

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