Architectural Character & The History Architecture : The New Ladder Type Curriculum / George Salinda Salvan


التفاصيل :

رقم التسجيلة 9471
نوع المادة book
ردمك 9711103575
رقم الطلب NA 203 .S34
المؤلف Saluan, George S

العنوان Architectural Character & The History Architecture : The New Ladder Type Curriculum / George Salinda Salvan
بيانات النشر Quezon: JMC Press . INC, 1986.
الوصف المادي 781 P
المحتويات / النص - Chapter 1: the beginnings Of Architecture 
- Chapter 2: Egyptian Architecturer 
- Chapter 3: Arcgitecture in the ancient near East 
- Chapter 4: Pre - Columbian Architecture In America 
- Chapter 5: Greek Architecture 
- Chapter 6: Roman Architecture
- Chapter 7: early christian Architecture
-Chapter 8: Byzantine Architecture
- Chapter 9: Islamic Architecture
- Chapter 10 : Roman Architecture in Europe 
- Chapter 11: Cothic Architecture in central Europe
- Chapter 12: Renaissance Architecture In Europe
- Chapter 13: Architecture in Britain
- Chapter 14: Architecture in continental Europe
- Chapter 15: Architecture OF THE AMERICAS 
- Chapter 16: modern / international Architecture
- Chapter 17: Architecture in India & Pakistan 
- Chapter 18: Architecture in Sri Lanka
- Chapter 19: Architecture In Afghanistan , Nepal & tibet
- Chapter 20: Architecture in burma cambodia thailand & indonesia
- Chapter 21: Architecture in China 
- Chapter 22: Architecture in japan
- Chapter 23: Phillipine 
المواضيع Architecture - History

النسخ :

الباركود رمز الوحدة النسخة نوع النسخة
0000094710001 NA 203 .S34
1 عادي

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