
The Story of Stained Glass

عدد النسخ: 2 عدد النسخ المعارة : 0 عدد النسخ المتاحة للاعارة : 2
رقم التسجيلة 2785
نوع المادة book
رقم الطلب


هيئة The Stained Glass Association of America ( SGAA )

العنوان The Story of Stained Glass
بيانات النشر Raytown, MO: the Stained Glass Association of America ( SGAA), 1984.
الوصف المادي 24 p

This illustrated, 24-page booklet is loaded with helpful information on the nature, the history, the techniques and the terminology of stained glass. Its clear, concise text and popular illustrations make it a much-appreciated gift to stained glass lovers and clients alike. The low cost of this handy and informative booklet, which includes a glossary and bibliography, makes it a real value for anyone working in stained glass. Order a supply today.

المواضيع Glass painting and staining - History