
IT risk : turning business threats into competitive advantage

عدد النسخ: 1 عدد النسخ المعارة : 0 عدد النسخ المتاحة للاعارة : 1
رقم التسجيلة 3630
نوع المادة book
ردمك 9781422106662
رقم الطلب


شخص Westerman, George
العنوان IT risk : turning business threats into competitive advantage
بيانات النشر Boston, Mass: Harvard Business School Press, 2007.
الوصف المادي 221. P
المحتويات / النص

Table of Contents Acknowledgments Introduction: IT Risk and Consequences Chapter 1: Solving IT Risks: The 4A Risk Management Framework Chapter 2: The Three Core Disciplines of IT Risk Management Chapter 3: Fixing the Foundation, Part 1: Plugging the Holes in the Dike Chapter 4: Fixing the Foundation, Part 2: Simplifying the Installed Base Chapter 5: Risk Governance Process Chapter 6: Building a Risk-Aware Culture Chapter 7: Bringing the Three Disciplines Up to Speed Chapter 8: Looking Ahead Chapter 9: No Surprises: The Ten Things Executives Should Remember About IT Risk Notes About the Author


Are you exposing your business to IT risk, and leaving profit opportunities on the table? You might be if you are managing your IT risk using more traditional approaches. IT Risk, a new book based on research conducted by MIT’s Center for Information Systems Research and Gartner, Inc., helps companies focus on the most pressing risks and leverage the upside that comes with vigilance. Traditionally, managers have grouped technology risk and funding into silos. IT Risk outlines a new model for integrated risk management, which identifies three core areas you can develop to eliminate the problems that silo strategies create. The authors also offer specific ways to make the most of your new found advantage. And because IT risk is the responsibility of all senior executives – not just CIOs – this book describes the tools and practices in language that general managers can understand and use.

المواضيع Risk Management
Information technology - Management
Management information systems
Information technology - Security measures
شخص Hunter, Richard