
The Mindful Way Through Depression : Freeing yourself from Chronic Unhappiness

عدد النسخ: 1 عدد النسخ المعارة : 0 عدد النسخ المتاحة للاعارة : 1
رقم التسجيلة 3635
نوع المادة book
الموقع الالكتروني
ردمك 9781593851286
رقم الطلب


شخص Williams, Mark
العنوان The Mindful Way Through Depression : Freeing yourself from Chronic Unhappiness
بيانات النشر New York, NY: The Guilford Press, 2007.
الوصف المادي 273. P

Includes DVD

المحتويات / النص

Introduction: Tired of Feeling So Bad for So Long I. Mind, Body, and Emotion 1. "Oh, No, Here I Go Again": Why Unhappiness Won't Let Go 2. The Healing Power of Awareness: Making a Shift to Freedom II. Moment by Moment 3. Cultivating Mindfulness: A First Taste 4. The Breath: Gateway to Awareness 5. A Different Kind of Knowing: Sidestepping the Ruminative Mind III. Transforming Unhappiness 6. Reconnecting with Our Feelings--Those We Like, Those We Don’t Like, and Those We Don’t Know We Have 7. Befriending our Feelings 8. Seeing Thoughts as Creations of the Mind 9. Mindfulness in Everyday Life: Taking a Breathing Space IV. Reclaiming Your Life 10. From Being Unhappy to Being Fully Alive 11. The Mindfulness Program and Your Life: Bringing It All Together *Resources and Further Reading *Audio CD: Guided Meditation Practices for The Mindful Way through Depression (Narrated by Jon Kabat-Zinn) 1. Introduction (3:01) 2. Body Scan (29:02) 3. Mindful Standing Yoga (10:58) 4. Mindfulness of the Breath (10:38) 5. Mindfulness of the Breath and Body (9:24) 6. Mindfulness of Sounds and Thoughts (10:34) 7. The Breathing Space (3:48)

المواضيع Depression, Mental
Happiness - Humor
Attention-deficit-disordered children - Education - United States - Handbooks, manuals, etc
Depression, Mental
شخص Teasdale, John
Segal, Zindel