
Museum : behind the scenes at the Metropolitan Museum of Art / Danny Danziger

عدد النسخ: 1 عدد النسخ المعارة : 0 عدد النسخ المتاحة للاعارة : 1
رقم التسجيلة 3941
نوع المادة book
ردمك 9780670038619
رقم الطلب


شخص Danziger, Danny
العنوان Museum : behind the scenes at the Metropolitan Museum of Art / Danny Danziger
بيانات النشر New York, N.Y: Viking, 2007.
الوصف المادي xxii, 277 p : 24 cm

Includes index

المحتويات / النص

Juan Aranda, Cleaner 1 John Barelli, Chief Security Qfficer, Security Department 4 Carri Rebora Barratt, Curator, American Paintings and Sculpture, ad an Mnager, The Henry R. Luce Center for the Study of American Art 1 Michael Barry, Patti Cadby Birch Consultative Chairman, Islamic Art 19 Robert Bethea,Jr., Associate Coordinator of Inf ormation Services, /isitor Services Department 26 J. Nicholas Cameron, Vice President of Construction 30 Thomas P. Campbell, Curator, European Sculpture and Decorative Arts and Supervising Curator Antonio Ratti Textile Center 35 Lorraine Chevallier, aitress 42 Keith Christiansen, ja e f Vrightsman Curator, European Paintings 46 George Cuesta, Maintainer, Plumning Shop 52 Malcolm Daniel, Curator in Charge, Photographs 56 Michel David-Weill, rustee 60 Alice Cooney Frelinghuysen, Anthony WV and Lulu C.  ng Curator, American Decorative Arts 65 George R. Goldner, Drue Heinz Chairman, Drawings and Prints 71 Maxwell K. Hearn, Douglas Dillon Curator, Asian Art 80 Morrison H. Heckscher, Lawrence A. Fleischman Chairman of the American Wing 85 Haroid Holzer, Sienioir ice Presidentfi r External Afa irs 91 James R. Houghton, Chairman, Board of Trustees 98 Laurence B. Kanter, Curator in Charge, Robert Lehman Collection 102 Harold Koda, Curator in Charge, The Costume Institute 109 Henrv R. Kravis, Trustee 117 "Walter Liedtke. Curator, European Paintings 122 Christopher S. Lightfoot, Associate Curator, Greek and Roman Art 129 "Hilcde Lirondjian, General Manager, Concerts r& Lectures . 135 Eric Longo, Director of Client Services, Antenna Audio, Inc. 139 Jessie McNab, Associate Curator, European Sculpture and Decorative Arts 143 Philippe de Montebello, Director and Chief Executive fficer 148 J, Kenneth Moore, Frederick P Rose Curator in Charge, Musical Instruments 158 janMes Moran, NYPD 163 Herbert M. Moskowitz, Chief Registrar 167 John P. O'Neil, Editor in Chief and General Manager of Publications, Editorial Department 172 Sally Pearson, Vice President and General Mlanager of M1erchandise and Retail 176 Amelia Peck. Marcia F 'ilcek Curator, American Decorati ve A rts 1 81 Stuart W Pyhrr, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Curator in Chauge, Arms & Armor 185 Annette de la Renta. Vice Chairman, Board of Trustees 192 Sabine Rewald,jacques and Natasha Gelman Curator, Department of Nineteenth-Century, Modern, and Contemporary Art 196 Jeff L. Rosenheim, Associate Curator, Photographs 200 E. John Rosenwald, Jr.. Thustee 207 Raymond Smith, Copyist 213 Kenneth Soehner, Arthur K. Watson Chief Librarian, Thomas.j Watson Library 218 James Span, Travel Associate, Tourism and Group Services, Visitor Services Department 222 Ira Spar, Research Assyriologist, Ancient Near Eastern Art 227 Donna Williams Sutton, Senior Audience Development ff icer, External Affairs 232 Mahrukh Tarapor, Director,for International Affairs, Geneva Office, and Associate Director for Exhibitions 236 T'hayer Tolles, Associate Curator, American Paintings and Sculpture 242 Remco van Vliet. Florist 248 Lulu C. Wang, Trustec 252 William Westfield,e enor Fre Safety Officer 256 Lin den l avemever Wise, Special C ounse, Office of the Senior Vice President, SecrCtary and Ge eral Counsel 261


The Metropolitan Museum of Art is one of the greatest museums in the world. It is an enormous place that takes up five city blocks and has more than two million square feet of space, filled with treasures everywhere the eye can see. There are exquisite vases, jewelry, tapestry, baseball cards, Egyptian mummies, sculptures, and furniture, and many of the most famous and recognized paintings in the world, from Van Gogh to Rembrandt, Monet, and El Greco. But this famous institution, which attracts four million visitors a year, is not just about objects. This is a place that is supported and maintained by people, which is what this wonderful book celebrates. In the fifty-two interviews in Museum, we meet some of the people who have given their lives to making the Met the success that it is. We are introduced to curators with endless knowledge who look after the collections; as well as cleaners; florists; police and security staff who maintain and secure the building; plus the philanthropists and millionaires who donate their money for new and wonderful art works, including well-known people like Henry Kravis and Annette de la Renta. Danziger has a rare touch for getting just the right detail, and these interviews are informative, moving, and compulsively readable. Oral history at its best, Museum will appeal not only to the millions who visit the Met every year, but also to anyone with an interest in museums and art.

المواضيع Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.)
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.) - Employees - Interviews