
Zap the gaps! : target higher performance and achieve it! / Ken Blanchard, Dana Robinson, Jim Robinson

عدد النسخ: 1 عدد النسخ المعارة : 0 عدد النسخ المتاحة للاعارة : 1
رقم التسجيلة 3966
نوع المادة book
ردمك 0060503009
رقم الطلب


شخص Blanchard, Kenneth H
العنوان Zap the gaps! : target higher performance and achieve it! / Ken Blanchard, Dana Robinson, Jim Robinson
بيان الطبعة 1st ed
بيانات النشر New York: Morrow, 2002.
الوصف المادي xix, 126 p : 22 cm ; ill
المحتويات / النص

- One: The announcement - Two: On the greens - Three: Lessons from grass - Four: "should" is good - Five: Go, no go - Six: The "is" id where the GAP is - Seven: The GAP zapper - Eight: Missing pices - Nine: Hocus, Focus - Ten: from cause to solution - Eleven: Goos News!


Through business classics like The One Minute Manager and Raving Fans, bestselling author Ken Blanchard has become a nationally recognized business guru, presenting revolutionary new approaches to management, leadership, customer service, and more. Now Blanchard teams up with Dana and Jim Robinson to tackle the crucial issue of human performance in Zap the Gaps!, an entertaining business parable that combines Blanchard's storytelling talents with the Robinsons' pioneering problem-solving approach. Managers at all levels within organizations often see a problem and jump to a solution. Many times the solution does not solve the problem, however, because the manager did not uncover the root cause. Blanchard and his coauthors are here to teach you how to avoid this often-destructive pitfall. In Zap the Gaps!, Bill Ambers, the director of customer service in a high-tech firm, encounters a business problem: His call center is not making its numbers. With the help of Michael St. Vincent, gardener and legendary head of Saint's Nurseries and Landscaping, he learns to systematically dig to the root of the problem, discovering along the way both the GAPS approach to performance improvement and a tool called the Gap Zapper. With its engaging story line, vivid examples, and reader-friendly approach, Zap the Gaps! is a must read for anyone seeking to identify and correct the factors that negatively impact performance -- so that the ultimate impact is both meaningful and measurable.

المواضيع Management
Organizational effectiveness - Measurement
شخص Robinson, Dana Gaines
Robinson, James C