
Producer To Producer : A Step By Step Guide To Low Budget Independent Film Producing

عدد النسخ: 1 عدد النسخ المعارة : 0 عدد النسخ المتاحة للاعارة : 1
رقم التسجيلة 8089
نوع المادة book
ردمك 9781615932665
رقم الطلب


المؤلف Rayan, Maureen A

العنوان Producer To Producer : A Step By Step Guide To Low Budget Independent Film Producing
بيان الطبعة Ed. 2
بيانات النشر Manufactured: Michael Wiese Productions, 2017.
الوصف المادي 390 P
المحتويات / النص

Acknowledgments Introduction How This Book Works and Whom It Is For Chapter 1: Development Chapter 2: Script Breakdown Chapter 3: Budgeting Chapter 4: Funding Chapter 5: Casting Chapter 6: Preproduction Chapter 7: Locations Chapter 8: Legal Chapter 9: Insurance Chapter 10: Schedule Chapter 11: Production Chapter 12: Safety Chapter 13: Wrap Chapter 14: Postproduction Chapter 15: Audio Chapter 16: Music Chapter 17: Archive Materials Chapter 18: Marketing / Publicity Chapter 19: Film Festivals Chapter 20: Distribution / Sales Chapter 21: What’s Next? Index


This is a comprehensive bible to low-budget film producing for emerging and professional producers. Structured to guide the reader through production meetings, every aspect of the film-production pro-cess is outlined in detail. Invaluable checklists which begin 12 weeks before shooting and continue through principal (and secondary) photography and postproduction keep the filmmaker on track and on target. Ryan is co-producer of James Marsh s Man on Wire, winner of the 2009 Academy Award for Best Documentary"

المواضيع Motion pictures - Production and direction
Low-budget films