
Christ - the teacher of salvation : a study on Origen's christology and soteriology

عدد النسخ: 1 عدد النسخ المعارة : 0 عدد النسخ المتاحة للاعارة : 1
رقم التسجيلة 8140
نوع المادة book
ردمك 9783402137185
رقم الطلب


المؤلف Jacobsen, Anders - Chistian

العنوان Christ - the teacher of salvation : a study on Origen's christology and soteriology
بيانات النشر Munster: Aschendroff Verlag, 2015.
الوصف المادي 372 P
بيان السلسلة Adamantiana | 6
المحتويات / النص

1- reading origen's christology and soteriology Part 1: introductory questions and methodology 2- the history of scholarship on origen's christology and soteriology 3- a chronological overview of origen's work 4- textual types and audiences 5- the transmission of origen's writings 6- Origen's Allegorical and noetic hermeneutics Part II: interpretation Of Individual Writings 7- on first principles 8- dialogue with heraclides 9- commentary on john 10- commentary on song of songs 11- commentary on romans 12- commentary on mattew 13- homilies on luke 14- homilies on song of the songs 15- Homilies on jeremiah 16- Chirstology in homilies on joshua 17- apologtic writings - against celsus Part III: A Systematic Presentation Of Origen's Christology And Soteriology 18- Origen's theological system 19- Origen's Chistology And Soteriology


Christ, his nature, and his works are the most central elements of Christian theology. Origen of Alexandria (185-254) plays an important role in the history of Christology and soteriology. He wrote his many biblical commentaries, theological treatises, and homilies before the Councils of Nicaea (325) and Chalcedon (451) issued their Christological doctrines, which were to set the agenda for Christological thinking for many centuries. In many respects Origen's work paved the way for the decisions made in Nicaea and Chalcedon, yet Origen's Christology is much more multifaceted than these creeds. His Christology is characterized by his understanding of Christ as God's Wisdom and Word who includes and creates cosmos as a whole. His soteriology is characterized by his pedagogic and universalist thinking, which portrays Christ as a physician and a teacher who leads all human beings and the whole cosmos to completion in God. The present book provides a detailed analysis and interpretation of Origen's Christology and soteriology as it is expounded in a number of his most important writings thus providing a comprehensive and coherent picture of Origen's multifaceted Christology and soteriology.
