
Dark Crusade Christian Zionism and US Foreign Policy / Clifford A. Kiracofe

عدد النسخ: 1 عدد النسخ المعارة : 0 عدد النسخ المتاحة للاعارة : 1
رقم التسجيلة 8837
نوع المادة book
ردمك 9781845117559
رقم الطلب

JZ 1484 .K56

شخص Kiracofe, Clifford
العنوان Dark Crusade Christian Zionism and US Foreign Policy / Clifford A. Kiracofe
بيانات النشر New York: I.B. Tauris & Co Ltd, 2009.
الوصف المادي 254 P
بيان السلسلة International library of political studies | 31
المحتويات / النص

- Part I: Christian Zionism and nineteenth - century imperialism 

- Part II: Christian Zionism and American Foreign Policy 1917 - 48
- Part III: Christian Zionism And American Foreign Policy , from the cold war to Bush


Despite its efforts to promote peace and instil democracy in the region, America is viewed by many in the Middle East as a dishonest broker waging a 'dark crusade' against its enemies: in covert collaboration with Israel. The crucial hostility to Arab and Palestinian interests of the so-called 'Zionist lobby' in the US has long been recognised. But it is another less familiar element in US politics that increasingly calls the shots on Capitol Hill, directing the course of American foreign policy there: Christian Zionism.Christian Zionists now influence not only the Republican Party, but also the White House and Congress. Protestant fundamentalists anticipating the end of the world, they have long made common cause with the most extreme political elements in the state of Israel. But why? Jews and fundamentalist Christians hardly look like natural allies. Adhering to a feverish apocalyptic ideology, Christian Zionists nevertheless believe that restoration of the entire biblical Holy Land to the Jewish people will result the thousand-year reign of Christ.
During his eleven years working in the Senate, the author observed at first hand the deep-seated influence of Christian Zionism on American foreign policy, and is uniquely qualified to assess its significance. "Dark Crusade" offers the most nuanced analysis yet written of this dangerous and complex phenomenon.

المواضيع Christian Zionism - United States - History
Christian Zionism - Political aspects - United States
المواضيع Imperialism
United States - Foreign relations - Middle East