
Handbook For Writing Proposals / Robert J. Hamper and L. Sue Baugh

عدد النسخ: 1 عدد النسخ المعارة : 0 عدد النسخ المتاحة للاعارة : 1
رقم التسجيلة 9398
نوع المادة book
ردمك 9780071746489
رقم الطلب

HF 5718.5 .H2844

شخص Hamper, Robert J
العنوان Handbook For Writing Proposals / Robert J. Hamper and L. Sue Baugh
بيانات النشر New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2011.
الوصف المادي 246 P
المحتويات / النص

  • Cover Page
  • Handbook for Writing Proposals
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • 1 Where to Begin
    1. Opportunities and Pitfalls
    2. Types of Proposals
    3. Four Key Questions
    4. Your Planning Process
    5. Locating New Business
    6. Which Jobs to Target
    7. When Not to Write a Proposal
    8. Characteristics of a Winning Proposal
  • 2 9-Step Proposal Process: An Overview
    1. 9-Step Proposal Preparation and Writing Process
    2. Step 1: Bid/No-Bid Analysis and Decision
    3. Step 2: The Proposal Team
    4. Step 3: RFP Analysis
    5. Step 4: Preparation Schedule
    6. Step 5: Assignment of Tasks
    7. Step 6: Development of Program Design
    8. Step 7: Development of Front Matter and Executive Summary
    9. Step 8: Producing the Proposal
    10. Step 9: Client Presentation
  • 3 Selecting the Bid and Choosing the Proposal Team
    1. Step 1: Bid/No-Bid Analysis and Decision
    2. Step 2: The Proposal Team
    3. Where to Look for Market Information
  • 4 Finding Your Unique Selling Point
    1. Step 3: Detailed RFP Analysis and Your USP
    2. Step 4: Preparation Schedule
    3. Step 5: Assignment of Tasks
  • 5 Developing Your Program Design
    1. Step 6: Program Design—The Heart of Your Proposal
    2. Your Compliance with the RFP
    3. Three Parts of the Program Design
    4. Appendixes in a Proposal
    5. Summary of a Winning Program Design
  • 6 Writing the Front Matter and Executive Summary
    1. Step 7: Front Matter and Executive Summary
    2. The Front Matter
    3. The Executive Summary
    4. Common Errors
    5. Executive Summary Checklist
  • 7 Producing Your Proposal
    1. Step 8: Proposal Production
    2. Criteria for Using Graphics instead of Words
    3. Using Tables and Graphics Effectively
    4. Designing Tables and Graphics
    5. Final Checklist
  • 8 Making Client Presentations
    1. Step 9: Presenting the Proposal to the Client
    2. Planning Steps
    3. Organizing the Presentation
    4. Practicing the Presentation
    5. Survival Tips
    6. Checklist for Client Presentations

    1. المستخلص

      يوجد ملخص

      المواضيع Proposal writing in business
      Business writing - Technique
      شخص Baugh, Sue